The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) announced today that U.S. Army Pfc. John W. Gordon, 32, killed during World War II, was accounted for July 13, 2022.
In January 1945, Gordon was assigned to Company G, 2nd Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division. The unit was engaged with German forces during the Battle of Reipertswiller in France. On Jan. 17, Gordon was killed when his company, which had been cut off from allied forces the day before, was subjected to a German counterattack. By Jan. 20, all of the men from Company G had been killed or captured, and American forces were unable to recover Gordon’s body.
For additional information on the Defense Department’s mission to account for Americans who went missing while serving our country, visit the DPAA website at www.dpaa.mil or find us on social media at www.facebook.com/dodpaa or https://www.linkedin.com/company/defense-pow-mia-accounting-agency.
Gordon’s personnel profile can be viewed at https://dpaa-mil.sites.crmforce.mil/dpaaProfile?id=a0Jt0000000LkuTEAS.