The Commemoration was authorized by Congress, under the auspices of the Defense Department, and launched at The Wall in 2012 by President Obama. Inspired by more than 11,100 local, state and national organizations that have partnered with the Commemoration, Americans have already publicly and individually thanked and honored more than 1.8 million Vietnam veterans and their families in hometowns across the Nation.
Our goal is to thank and honor America's nearly 7 million living veterans of the over 9 million who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during the Vietnam War years - from November 1, 1955 - May 15, 1975, regardless of location…and their families. Of special significance, President Trump recently signed into law The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017, establishing National Vietnam War Veterans Day that will, henceforth be celebrated every March 29th.
Commemorative Partner Program
Key to the Commemoration accomplishing its primary objective, is its hometown-centric Commemorative Partner Program. Those 11,100+ organizations at the local, state and federal levels have committed to conducting two events per year, in their local communities, that recognize and honor Vietnam veterans and their families.
There are no costs associated with becoming a commemorative partner, and we heartily invite organizations to join the mix of dedicated local and national businesses, corporations, veterans and military organizations, associations, educational institutions, community groups, towns, cities, states and many others that have committed to assist the nation in this noble effort. Please visit or email us at for more information about the Commemoration and the Commemorative Partner Program, respectively.
Certificate of Honor Program
In collaboration with Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, the military Service Casualty Offices, and our Commemorative Partner organizations, the Vietnam War Commemoration is endeavoring to honor eligible individuals through the Certificate of Honor Program. The Certificate of Honor Program honors the unique service and sacrifice of four categories of Vietnam veterans and their families.
The categories are:
1. Unaccounted For
Immediate family members (parents, spouse, siblings, and children) of American military personnel listed as missing and unaccounted for by the Department of Defense.
2. Former, Living American Military POW
Former, living American military POWs from the Vietnam War as listed by the Department of Defense
3. In Memory Of
Immediate family members (parents, spouse, siblings, and children) of a veteran who is listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. and who is not listed as missing or unaccounted for by the Department of Defense.
4. Deceased Vietnam Veteran Surviving Spouse
Surviving spouse, at time of death, of a veteran who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time during the period 1 November 1955-15 May 1975 regardless of location of service.
Recipients of an Unaccounted For, Former, Living American Military POW, and In Memory Of certificate of Honor receive a certificate signed by the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and an accompanying lapel pin (see Certificate of Honor fact sheet for the images of the lapel pins).
Recipients of the Deceased Vietnam Veteran Surviving Spouse certificate receive a certificate signed by the Director of the Vietnam War Commemoration, Major General James T. Jackson, U.S. Army (Retired) as well as a Surviving Spouse Lapel Pin from a partner organization near you. Please visit the Vietnam War Commemoration website at to view the Commemorative Partner Map to find a partner organization near you.
If you are eligible and interested in receiving an Unaccounted For Certificate of Honor please contact your Service Casualty Office based on the branch of service of the missing and unaccounted for veteran. Presentations can be made at a regional Family Member Update.
For inquiries regarding the Former, Living American Military POW, or In Memory Of certificate, contact the Vietnam War Commemoration by email at or by phone at 877-387-9951 or contact a partner organization near you. Please visit the Vietnam War Commemoration website at to view the Commemorative Partner Map to find a partner organization near you.
If you have questions about the Vietnam War Commemoration, in general, or how to become a Commemorative Partner email us at: or call us at: 877-387-9951.